
Spring term Summer term Autumn term Winter term
1st year Accounting Principle 2 Exit Strategy 2 Strategic
2 Technology Transfer
2 Entrepreneurship 2 MIS 2 Healthcare
Marketing 2 Business Statistics 2
Human Resources
2 Business Ethics
Spring term Autumn term
Exit Strategy 2 Entrepreneurship 2
Technology Transfer
2 Healthcare
Valutaion 2 Global Negotiation
4th Industrial
2 Mobile Commerce 2
Business Project 4 Business Project 4

> For majoring Global MBA, You must perform business projects about “The 4th Industrial Revolution”

​> For majoring Entrepreneurship MBA, You must perform business projects about “Entrepreneurship”

> For majoring Healthcare MBA, You must perform business projects about “Healthcare”

Subject Outline


Division Contents
Accounting Principle Based on the basic concepts and theories of accounting, students will learn knowledge to properly provide and understand corporate accounting information such as company’s financial status and business performance.
Financial Management This is an introductory course in the field of financial management. students will learn basic theories for corporate investment and financial decision making. such as Present Value Theory, Capital Budgeting Theory, Investment Decision Theory Under Uncertainty, and Capital Asset Pricing Theory.
Marketing Students will learn how to evaluate consumer’s needs to provide consumers with the value of a consumer perspective and a cyclical process of managing relationships with customers over the long term.
Human Resources


Learn how to acquire and maintain excellent human resources and to work responsibly. In detail, we will learn the basic philosophy of human resource management and the detailed methods based on it, such as selection, placement, evaluation, compensation, and development.
Strategic Management Strategic management is a sophisticated management act that performs various activities and allocates resources to set and implement the organization’s vision and goals. In this course, we study the environmental factors and internal competence factors affecting the establishment and execution of management strategies, and what types of strategies that have been developed theoretically and practically based on the corporate strategy, business strategy and functional strategy Consider whether there is. Furthermore, we study the logic that connects the environment – strategy – structure optimally and apply it in the case of enterprise.
MIS Students will learn major theories and techniques to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of production and operation activities. Inventory management, production scheduling, quality control, and supply chain management.
Business Statistics By understanding the basic concepts of statistics, students are given the ability to derive appropriate information from the data, lecture the necessary skills, and focus on how to use this information to structure management decisions. Summarizing and presenting data, testing hypotheses, and verifying the relevance of variables.
Business Ethics


Unlike in the past, the behavior of corporate executives is becoming more and more severe, and the behavior of corporate executives, which is not correct, is causing serious harm to business management. Therefore, companies need to educate all staff members to be able to make correct and ethical behavior and choices. In this course, we will learn about understanding the changing ethical paradigm and introducing ethics into business decision making process.
Valutaion This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of valuation. such as sum of tangible assets and intangible assets (intellectual capital).
4th Industrial Revolution Students will learn about the 4th industrial revolution, also known as industry 4.0, which is a recent issue. and discusses how to prepare and respond to the rapidly changing industrial environment through the background and future prospects of the 4th industrial revolution.
Entrepreneurship Students will learn entrepreneurship that entrepreneurs should have. In addition, only companies that explore change, respond to change, and use change as opportunities can survive. Understanding that true entrepreneurship is the only survival strategy of the 21st century, Learning about the ‘background’


This course develops practical skills through domestic and international environmental analysis and practical case studies based on the theoretical knowledge of the medical industry needed for health care management.
Global Negotiation


Study and discuss about negotiation theary that can solve conflicts between the headquarters and local governments, consumers, suppliers and communities in the activities of international corporation.
Mobile Commerce Mobile Commerce means e-commerce based on wireless internet, students will study the direction of industrial development by studying the difference with e-commerce and the relation with the 4th industrial revolution.
Business Project This subject is guided by tutor and solves the problems of the company. It is a course that improves the performance of the company through field-oriented activities and achieves academic achievement.
Global Field Seminar This course provides an opportunity to directly analyze the management environment and management characteristics of specific overseas regions based on the knowledge acquired by the students in the course. Students will study the area before going overseas and submit a report after visiting overseas.