
We will create a global leaders
that will lead the new future of Korea.

The small changes that began with the Internet revolution spread to SNS, mobile, cloud, big data, IOT and led to the 4th industrial revolution, and these changes are constantly demanding the appearance of new business. CHA Business School(​CBS) is designed to train expert of management who will lead the new industry in this change. To do this, we have prepared Global MBA based on the understanding of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Entrepreneurship MBA to train expert of management, Healthcare MBA for professionals who will lead the healthcare industry, which is the core of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Global MBA

With the advent of the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, rapid changes in society are taking place, such as the convergence of the real world and the virtual world (O2O). The goal of the Global MBA is to train experts who can adapt to these changes and lead a new future. In addition, we study new disciplines that present a new paradigm for building a society about sustainable production, sustainable distribution, and production and distribution, which are key tasks of the future society.


This is a major field operated in the form of a contract department for executives and employees of bio/medical/healthcare companies (hospitals). It covers not only the basic areas of business administration such as accounting, marketing, financial management, human resources management, and business strategy, but also the latest management issues and management practice issues such as the 4th industrial revolution and big data analysis. In addition to completing regular courses, students perform action learning tasks that suggest ways to improve and solve management problems in their department.